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My photographic work is exploring the link between human beings and nature. Through my photographs, I portray a vision of the world that is dear to me : a poetry of the everyday life in a self-absorbed society in which I don't always belong.

Hence I depict solitary characters, completely lost in the nature, wandering or revitalising themselves, on the floor, hunched up or simply half-asleep, dreaming, they give in to themselves or to their magnificent Mother Nature.

I am inspired a lot not only by romantic and impressionist paintings, but also by several popular tales and myths, by any woodland fable and any children history ; that's probably thanks to all of that that I developped a dreamlike and poetic style, and by the way I enjoy approaching the notions of loneliness and freedom. We can easily understand that by admiring these wandering faces who are penetrating our eyes and who eventually become very personnal self portraits : they illustrate what I am, what I feel, they are the witness of a deep and fantasised quest towards a simple, limitless (and utopian ?) freedom.


In two words : my work illustrates my fascination for beauty and wisdom, for the greatness and the enchantment of nature.


Mon travail photographique interroge le rapport entre l’homme et la nature. A travers mes clichés, je dépeins une vision du monde qui m’est chère : une poésie du quotidien dans une société égocentrée où je ne trouve pas toujours ma place.

Ainsi je mets en scènes des personnages solitaires, perdus en pleine nature, errant ou se ressourçant. au sol, recroquevillés ou simplement assoupis, rêveurs, ils s’abandonnent à eux même ou à leur mère-nature, sublime.

Je suis très inspirée par la peinture romantique et impressionniste mais aussi par de nombreux contes et légendes populaires, par toute fable sylvestre et toute histoire pour enfant. J’ai développé, surement grâce à ça, un style onirique et poétique et J’aime d’ailleurs y aborder la notion de solitude et de liberté. On peut le comprendre aisément en contemplant ces fIgures vagabondes qui traversent nos yeux et qui deviennent fInalement des autoportrait Très personnels : ils illustrent ce que je suis, ce que ressens, ils témoignent d’une quête profonde et fantasmée vers une liberté simple et sans barrières, utopique ?


En deux mots : Mon travail illustre ma fascination pour la beauté, la sagesse, la grandeur Et l’envoûtement de la nature.



Beautiful/Decay, July 29, 2015 by Anissa Jousset :

​"She plays with the idea that nature, like solitude can both surround and engulf us in both frightening and beautiful ways. In this, the grandeur of nature is paralleled with the waves of emotion we are sometimes subject to as human beings, Paquet depicts humans as a small part of the greater detail and the mythological energy that fills her photographs is reminiscent of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the ways that is closely studies the power of nature and gives it a magical influence on human life. She focuses on the vastness of human emotion and aligns this vastness with the role nature plays in our lives and, on a greater scale our existence. "


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